The following free services were provided directly to seniors and disadvantaged people in our communities in 2023. Click on each heading below to learn more:
- INCOME TAX SERVICE Volunteers completed 643 low-income returns, including 10 home visits. Our team of dedicated Volunteers offer this service to the Nelson and surrounding areas. Advocated for 9 seniors.
- PERSONAL ADVANCE PLANNING Program designed for 19 years and older to provide help with documents pertaining to forms for a client’s future planning such as a Will, Power of Attorney etc. 4 clients benefited from this service.
- SENIORS REFERRAL SERVICE Our Office Manager assisted an average of 5 people a day in finding appropriate resources that would enable them to get the support and aid they need.
- CYCLING WITHOUT AGE Our enthusiastic group of volunteers gave 464 clients a joyous ride on our special trishaws that enabled them to be outside in the fresh air and experience scenic surroundings.
- FARMERS MARKET COUPON PROGRAM We enabled 40 low-income seniors to access fresh local healthy produce directly from Farmers.
- Elder Abuse Prevention Program Assisted 26 clients. The Program is now administered by Nelson Cares.